Our shelter, 20 minutes West of St. Louis County, takes in about 4,000 lost, dumped in the country, and otherwise abandoned or unwanted but perfectly loving and adoptable pets each year, including many purebreds. We shelter and care for them, provide health care and love, and try to return home or adopt out as many as we can. We sponsor spay/neuter programs in the area to cut down on the number of litters, and and educate the community about responsible pet ownership. We participate in adoption events in the St. Louis area each weekend, and place as many pets as we can on Petfinder.com. We are funded ONLY by private donations and fees - we get no tax support or donations from HSUS, ASPCA, United Way, or other large charitable groups. Please visit our website to learn more about our animals and our shelter, or to make a paypal donation to help us save more lives! And as always, we need more volunteers! Come and check us out!
1222 W. Main Street PO Box 400, Union MO US 63084 Ph:(636)583-4300
http://www.franklincountyhumanesociety.org Email: donna@franklincountyhumanesociety.org Email2: jane@franklincountyhumanesociety.org
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