Two different parts to our organization:
Adopt a Pet - cats and dogs available for adoption
Animal Care Network - street teams rescue and provide food, shelter, water to animals in low income areas
PO Box 566, Roseville MI US 48066 Ph: 2485455055Fax: 5863622609 Email:
 Cats |  Dogs |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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non profit no kill. This rescue is made of Volunteers/Foster homes. Small group- only 4 foster homes(need more). We love animals, and have our own too. We are huge animal lovers, who want to help animals. Vet care is provided on the animals. Who do Adoptions by Appointment only. We some times go to the pet stores during the week with cats for Adoption. We are NOT 501c(3) status at this time.
, southfield MI US 48076 Email:
 Cats |  Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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We are a no-kill cat and kitten rescue group and you'll see from time to time the occasional collie dog. Our mission is to place homeless, unwanted or abused cats and kittens into permanent, responsible homes.
Animals are given comprehensive veterinary care including feline leukemia and FIV testing, sterilization (if old enough), immunizations, and parasite control. Because all animals are fostered in our homes, they are well socialized before adoption
Two Locations to Serve Your Cat Adoption Needs!
In addition to our fosters in Brighton, we also have fosters in the Tecumseh area. And if the cat in whom you're interested isn't close to you, we'll make that happen. Our kitties are well traveled and used to sleepovers at other fosters' homes.
WE CANNOT TAKE ANY CATS AT THIS TIME AND EMAILS WILL NOT BE ACKNOWLEDGED. If you have a cat that you must find a home for, try putting an ad in the Petfinder classifieds. It's easy and it's free.
Po Box 176, Brighton MI US 48116 Email: Email2:
 Cats |
Special Need Animals
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Guardian Angel Animal Rescue is a no-kill, non-profit animal rescue. We are dedicated to saving, sheltering and protecting animals in need. We rescue animals from the streets, shelters & bad situations. Veterinarians and pet stores also call us to take abandoned and abused animals. We also work with colonies of feral cats, which includes setting up shelters and providing them with food until we can trap and tame. Owner give-ups are given an option to show their animal with us until we have room to take them in.
PO Box 511309, Livonia MI US 48151 Ph: 7347886857 Email:
 Cats |  Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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The Monroe County Animal Control Shelter has many breeds of stray and abandoned animals for adoption to the general public. The sale of any county owned animal is at the option of the Animal Control Department. Before an animal is placed into a new home all stray animals shall be held pursuant to law in order to give the original owner a chance to claim their pet.
911 S. Raisinville Road, Monroe MI US 48161 Ph: 7342403125 Email:
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |
Gov't run
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Org # 11263 |
Zip=4830 | Shelter | Rescue |
About Us
Animal Rescues
If your cat, dog, rabbit, or any other animal has given birth,
and you don’t know what to do with the litter or if you have found any abandoned, orphaned or hurt animals, please call or email me:
Animal Rescues
(248)-909-1825 or (248)-375-5919
You Can Check Out My Website For More Information.
These animals will be given a good home.
No animal deserves to be put to sleep. They need to be loved and taken care of. We try hard to find good caring homes. If you do decide to give us a call, we will be happy to come pick them up for you, and find suitable homes.
Thank You, Animal Rescues
My Name Is Brooke, And I Started This Group Call Animal Rescues. Animal Rescues Consists Of 5 Members.
Our Purpose:
To help Animals out of Danger or Abandoned. Animals Are Not to Be Treated with Disrespect, or Abused in Any Way, And That’s Our Job As The Animal Rescues To Prevent That. Sometimes We Even Take Them Into Nursing Homes For The Elders. These Little Animals Put Smiles On All Their Faces. In Our World Today More And More Animals Are Getting Hurt, Abandoned, Abused, Or Even Killed. Most Of This Is Caused By Animal Testing. 50,000 Animals Are Being Tested All Over The World To Test New Products Every Day. That’s Why It Is Important To Take Care Of Our Animals And Not To Let Them Get Into The Wrong Hands.
You Can Help To By Calling Us.
About Me
My Name Is Brooke Bieglecki. I’m 16 Years Old. I Go To Rochester Adams High School. I’m A Very Productive And Hard Worker, Especially When It Comes To Animals. I Love Spending Time With Animals. I Have About 26 Pets Which Consists Of, 19 Fish, 3 Rabbits, 1 Turtle, 1 Newt, 1 Tree Frog, And 1 Dog. I Love My Animals Very Much. They Are The Very Things I Look Forward To Seeing Each Day. My Business Has Been Running For About 2 Years Now, And Has Been Very Productive. I Am Proud To Say, This Is The Best Experience For Me Yet. If You Would Like To Find Out More About Me, You Can Check Out My Website At
What Else Do We Do?
Other Tasks Include:
• Pet Sitting
• Dog Walking
• Animal Daycare
Price Per Hour/Day:
-Pet Sitting: $5.00 (Per Hour)
- Dog Walking: $2.00 (Per Hour)
-Animal Daycare: $15.00 (Per Day)
3042 Baypoint, Rochester Hills MI US 4830 Ph: 2489091825 Email: Email2:
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Pigs |  Reptiles |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |  Horses |  Primates |  Livestock |
Special Need Animals
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Purrs Abound Siamese Rescue of Michigan, Inc. is a non-profit Rescue devoted to rescuing Siamese and Siamese mix from Michigan shelters who would otherwise meet the fate of euthanization or sale to research facilities. Because foster space is SO limited, we must restrict the intake of cats into our foster homes to Siamese and their mixes only. We also can only accept cats at this time from area shelters or those who are strays facing an uncertain future. We hope that our foster families will grow in size so that we can once again offer assistance to surrounding States in the near future.
PO Box 80822, Rochester MI US 48308 Ph: 2486139071Fax: 2489200463 Email: Email2:
 Cats |
Specific-Breed ONLY
Special Need Animals
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Animal Rescues
Animal Rescues
If your cat, dog, rabbit, or any other animal has given birth, and you don't know what to do with the litter or if you have found any abandoned, orphaned or hurt animals, please call or email me:
Animal Rescues
(248)-909-1825 or (248)-375-5919
You Can Check Out My Website For More Information.
These animals will be given a good home.
No animal deserves to be put to sleep. They need to be loved and taken care of. We try hard to find good caring homes. If you do decide to give us a call, we will be happy to come pick them up for you, and find suitable homes.
Thank You, Animal Rescues
3042 Baypoint, Rochester Hills MI US 48309
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Pigs |  Reptiles |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |  Horses |  Primates |  Livestock |
Special Need Animals
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Wayward Whiskers is not a shelter. We are a group of dedicated individuals that take animals into our homes until they find permanent homes of their own. We believe that there is a perfect pet for every family. Our goal is to find that family for the animals that have found their way to us. Space is VERY limited in our foster homes and donations are needed. Please email for more information and/or visit for recent updates.
Email Only, Shelby Twp MI US 48318 Email:
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Rabbits |  Ferrets |
Special Need Animals
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We have two primary foster for the dogs and another for the cats. We put a heavy emphasis on spay/neuter and spend a lot of money assisting others in getting their pets fixed.
Po Box 513, Caro MI US 48723 Ph: 9896736375 Email:
 Cats |  Dogs |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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