We are a group of Volunteers at the shelter trying to make a difference in the lives of these homeless pets. Public support, not negativity is needed to help make this happen, no matter what the past has brought, there are homeless pets still in need, and they need us to help them. The shelter has had some issues in many areas, that some are trying to work through, . The bottom line is that these animals at this shelter deserve a home just as well as any other animal does from any other area Shelter. These dogs and cats are homeless, and have no money attached to them when they arrive, unlike some agencies which require you to pay money to turn your pet over to them. The city has no funding set aside to help these animals other than to feed and water them. There are several volunteers helping these homeless animals by providing a safe place in their homes until a permanent home can be found. At this time, that is the only way that most can make it out . The publics support is needed to help make a difference at the shelter. For more info Please call306-6500 and ask for Chris, or Andrea at 401-1222. ATTENTION RESCUES: The shelter has a new director- Tom Hayden. Please contact him if you are interested in helping a dog at 435-6015. They are letting rescues that are 501c3 pull dogs. Unfortunately, if you are not they will not let you have the dog unless you adopt!! THIS is a very HIGH kill shelter, with no criteria to promote or make any effort to find these dogs a home. They need the help of rescues to find them good homes and make sure they are altered. Dogs are getting only 7 days holding, and if lucky a couple days for adoption, if that. Pure breeds require home inspections to adopt. Out of state adoptions are hard to do, due to this fact and that it is a first come first serve basis, so you can drive for hours and the dog could be gone once you get here. Sorry their rules not mine!
815 Ulhorn, Evansville IN US 47710 Ph: 8124262563
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VIPP has 3 objectives; to:
Provide funds for low cost spay/neuter and emergency pet care,
Return lost pets to their owners,
Fund educational programs encouraging responsible pet ownership.
PO Box 245, Vashon WA US 98070 Ph: 2063891089
http://www.vipp.org Email: Info@vipp.org
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VCA Beltline East Animal Hospital currently has a small rescue and adoption program in order to find homes for abandoned or surrendered pets and occasional strays. WE ARE NOT A SHELTER!!!! There is no adoption fee for these animals, only the guarantee from the Adopter to provide the pet with a loving home and proper pet care. Proper pet care consist of, but are not limited to; annual veterinary exams with vaccinations (biannual exams for pets over the age of 7yrs), heartworm checks and prevention, flea/tick prevention, and treatment in the event of illness or trauma.
2555 Beltline Rd, Sunnyvale TX US 75182 Ph: 9722260265
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/TX864.html Email: drea_white@hotmail.com
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Vet OnSite
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The mission of the Venango County Humane Society is to prevent cruelty to animals and to promote public animal care education and awareness. The Venango County Humane Society was incorporated as a private, non-profit organization in 1956. Our shelter was built in 1971 on Deep Hollow Road in Oil City, PA.
PO Box 1045, Oil City PA US 16301 Ph: 8146774040
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/PA275.html Email: vencohs@yahoo.com
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Your main county animal shelter is located at 600 Aviation Drive in Camarillo, California, on the Camarillo airport complex. The facility was built in 1985 and can house approximately 400 animals. We can accommodate birds, livestock, and exotic animals as well as our most frequent guests: dogs and cats.
600 Aviation Drive, Camarillo CA US 93010 Ph: 8882237387
http://www.ventura.org/animreg/ Email: animal.reg@mail.co.ventura.ca.us
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The Humane Society of Ventura County has been in operation since 1932. It has many specialized programs offered free to all in Ventura County. The Humane Society of Ventura County, at 402 Bryant St. in Ojai, is open for adoptions Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. During Daylight Savings Time, from April 6 through Oct. 26, the Shelter is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays, from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturdays and the front office is closed Sundays.Our Thrift Store is located at 540 East Main Street, Ventura. Hours of operation are Monday thru Sunday, 10:00am to 5:00pm.
402 Bryant St., Ojai CA US 93023 Ph: 8056466505
http://humanesocietyvc.org Email: animals@humanesocietyvc.org
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The Verde Valley Humane Society is a non-profit shelter located in Cottonwood, Arizona. We are the holding facility for five different animal control offices in the Verde Valley. Our Shelter is physically small, but most of the stray or abandoned dogs and cats from the Verde Valley are housed here and processed though our system
PO Box 1429 1502 W. Mingus Ave., Cottonwood AZ US 86326 Ph: 9286347387
http://www.VVHS.Net Email: VVHS@CommSpeed.Net.
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Vernon Animal Control is the animal shelter for the Town of Vernon, CT. We are a multi-purpose facility providing temporary, safe shelter, primarily to homeless or abandoned canines and cats of all ages. Vernon Animal Control strives to place their animals in committed, loving and pet-responsible homes. Pet stays at the shelter are limited. Did you know that 5,000,000+ healthy dogs are euthanized in the U.S. each year due to lack of homes? Please rescue pets already in shelters so we can reduce this inexcusable number. Shelter pets are pets that truly appreciate your rescuing them!
100 Windsorville Road, Vernon CT US 06066 Ph: 8608703558
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/CT29.html Email: abpaterson@snet.net
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The Vernon County Humane Society is dedicated to the welfare and protection of all companion and domestic animals by promoting programs which benefit the health, safety and well-being of all residents of Vernon County.
The Vernon County Humane Society (VCHS) is a not-for-profit humane society based in Viroqua, Wisconsin, the county seat of government in Vernon County. We are in the southwest area of the state, and one edge of our county borders the Mississippi River.
1150 Nelson Parkway, Viroqua WI US 54665 Ph: 6086376955Fax: 6086376775
http://www.vchumane.org Email: Adopt@VCHumane.org Email2: vchs@vchumane.org
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Vernon County People for Pets, Inc is a not-for-profit 501c(3) organization licensed by the Mo Dept of Agriculture as a Rescue using Foster Homes.
PO Box 383, Nevada MO US 64772 Ph: 4174489799
http://www.vcpfp.org/VCPFP/Home.html Email: info@vcpfp.org
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