101 W. McCune Avenue, FRUITA CO US 81521 Ph: 9708583008
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/CO49.html Email: star_tammy25@hotmail.com
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Ft Wainwright Stray Animal Facility
The Stray Animal Facility is part of the Veterinary Treatment Facility on Fort Wainwright. If you have lost your pet on post, please be sure to check with us and the Fairbanks North Star Borough Animal Shelter.
3597 Oak Street, Ft Wainwright AK US 99703 Ph: 9073532982
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Vet OnSite
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I am a licensed, independent rescuer who trains and sells horses for a living. I get horses off the track who are not competitive and re-train them for new careers. Please visit my farm website at www.fullrunfarm.com Doing this kind of work enables me to rescue dogs, cats and horses in need
, Woodland GA US 31836 Ph: 7066742703
http://www.petfinder.org/pet.cgi?action=1&pet.Shelterid=GA363&preview=1 Email: tudemurdog@alltel.net
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This facility houses those animals picked up by Fulton County Animal Control. The manager is reimbursed for 3 days of stay for each animal after which all expenses come out of the personal moneys of the manager.
Please be advised: the Petfinders site is managed by a volunteer in an adjacent county sometimes creating a delay in information and response to email messages. We are grateful for this volunteer and ask for your patience in this matter. Our site is constantly be improved and time should see this problem get better.
, Akron IN US 46910 Ph: 5748934391
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/IN308.html Email: fultonco.petfinders@yahoo.com
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Special Need Animals
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We gladly adopt our pets to people who live outside of the Atlanta area as long as they are willing to come to our shelter to meet the pet. Fulton County Animal Services pets are so special we've even had people fly to Atlanta just to adopt a pet --- one of our wonderful dogs was recently adopted by a person who flew in from San Francisco just to adopt.
860 Marietta Blvd., Atlanta GA US 30318 Ph: 4047940358Fax: 4047923970
http://www.fultonanimalservices.com Email: info@fultonanimalservices.com
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Fulton County SPCA
875 Rice Street NW, Atlanta GA US 30318 Ph: 4048722207
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The Fund for Animals was founded in 1967 by prominent author and animal advocate Cleveland Amory, and has spearheaded some of the most historic and significant events in the history of the animal protection movement.
PO Box 3665 Amity Station, New Haven CT US 06525 Ph: 1203393105Fax: 1203393277
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We are a no-kill shelter for cats in Pepperell, MA. We originally started as a resource for people to obtain low cost neutering and spaying for their pets.
7 Sheffield Street, Pepperell MA US 01463 Ph: 9784330404
http://www.fundfordogsandcats.com Email: lisa cozzens
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Fur Angels Animal Sanctuary is devoted to saving lives. We work with mostly deaf animals since they are first to be put to sleep despite their highly trainable nature and intelligence. We also work with other animals. 501(c)3 is pending.
, Aurora IL US 60506 Ph: 6308740342
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Fur Ever Sanctuary, Inc.
Our sanctuary is a home for life for animals that would have been put down if we had not taken them in. We accept old,sick,terminaly ill, disabled, ones that need daily medical care,abused,negleted or any reason that would have made them undisireable, and would have no hope except us.
We are a non-profit and only get help from donations.We only accept animals that are requested by authorities for us to take. Example..... Animal control, sheriffs dept, vets, rescue groups, shelters or individuals that have exhausted all other resourses and their animal has no other hope.
We do not adopt out any of the animals that come here. This is their for ever home, they never have to move again.
14001 US HWY 301 North, Parrish FL US 34219 Ph: 8132447294
Email: fureversanctuary@aol.com Email2: daisytm@aol.com
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Special Need Animals
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