Our mission is to network with other shelters and rescue groups to take in animals needing a new start. We do not discriminate based on breed, age or health status and only place the animals in loving and responsible homes. We also work to educate the public about the benefit of spaying or neutering their animals and the usefulness of microchipping.
Po Box 301, Linden NJ US 07036
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/NJ451.html Email: AllStarPets@comcast.net
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We are a NO-KILL, non-profit, animal shelter for dogs and cats located in Lindenwold, New Jersey. Our facility is always full of activity with at least 40 dogs and 50 cats waiting for good homes. Right now they're all waiting for you! Please, won't you come by and meet them today? It's a lifetime commitment to adopt an animal but one with returns of unlimited love!
501 N. Berlin Rd Po Box 4017, Lindenwold NJ US 08021 Ph: 8564359116Fax: 8564351490
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/NJ65.html Email: info@animaladoption.com
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We are a group of five women who have a lifetime of caring for and loving all creatures on our planet. In October of 1999, our deep concern inspired us to form Blue Moon Sanctuary, Inc., a not-for-profit corporation.
We are small, but we are firmly committed to helping homeless, abused or abandoned dogs and cats through contributions and your donated efforts. Permanent homes will be found with pre-approved, caring individuals in return for a modest donation to our organization. Residents that are not now, or may never be deemed adoptable will be provided a loving, permanent home here at our Sanctuary.
PO Box 294, Linn Creek MO US 65052 Ph: 5733179385
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/bluemoonsanctuary.html Email: bluemoon@zigs.net.
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SAVE A LIFE ANIMAL RESCUE is a non-profit, no-kill organization . We are dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of abused and abandoned dogs and cats. SAVE A LIFE ANIMAL RESCUE takes great care to find responsible,loving, permanent homes for every animal.We believe that we have a lifelong obligation to every animal that enters our shelter and we care for each animal as if it were our children.
, Linthicum MD US 21090 Fax: 4108591385
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/MD44.html Email: savealife2000@yahoo.com
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Our goals are to provide education about responsible pet ownership to our community, to ensure humane care of our shelter animals and to promote spaying & neutering as a solution to the pet overpopulation crisis in our community. We work to increase adoptions & rescues of our shelter animals. We are rescue friendly and urge legitimate rescues to contact us about helping our animals. We are also always looking for good foster homes, so if you would like to help an animal by fostering please let us know.
RR 4 Box 323, Linton IN US Ph: 8128474780
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/IN211.html Email: greenecountyanimals@yahoo.com Email2: gchumane@yahoo.com
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Org # 6259 |
City=Lisle | Rescue |
Lisle Animal Shelter
1040 Burlington, Lisle NY US 13797 Ph: 6302714200
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MEOW, Inc. is a non-profit, non-destroy animal welfare organization based in Litchfield, CT. Our primary mission is to improve the quality of life for all cats, through humane education and promoting the importance of companion animals in our lives.
PO Box 999, Litchfield CT US 06759 Ph: 8605673277
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/CT252.html Email: tmejfitz@earthlink.net
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MEOW INC. is a non-profit, non-destroy animal welfare organization based in Litchfield, CT.. Our primary mission is to improve the quality of life for all cats, through humane education and promoting the importance of companion animals in our lives.
10 Nasser Rd., Litchfield CT US 06759 Ph: 8605673277
http://www.meowct.org Email: admin@meowct.org
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PAWS (Preservation of Animal Welfare and Safety) is a regional, no-kill, animal-rescue group, established in 1979, dedicated to saving lives and preventing suffering by implementing the no-kill philosophy through aggressive spay/neuter programs for owned and unowned animals; by rescuing, fostering, and seeking permanent homes for endangered dogs and cats; and by raising awareness of the plight of homeless animals. We seek a time when there are no homeless animals, when every companion animal can be guaranteed a loving place to live. PAWS is an all-volunteer, 501c3 (not for profit) organization that receives no government funding and relies on donations from people
PO Box 724, Lititz PA US 17543 Ph: 7179578122
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/PA389.html Email: PAWSofPA@yahoo.com
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1104 W. Eldorado Parkway, Little Elm TX US 75068 Ph: 2149750460
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/TX974.html Email: police@littleelm.org
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