Kat 5 Animal Rescue is a grassroots, non-profit corporation designed for the protection of animals when natural or man-made disasters strike and to protect animals when they are discovered to be in harms way
584 Line Church Road, Alto GA US 30510 Ph: 7703667118
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/GA488.html Email: dogsneedyou@gmail.com Email2: kat5animalrescue@yahoo.com
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Animals are available for adoption to residents living within the adoption area of the Humane Society. All persons living in household are encouraged to be involved in the selection of the pet. If single and living at home with parents, one parent must be present at the time of adoption.
1837 E. Pleasant Valley Blvd., Altoona PA US 16602 Ph: 8149425402Fax: 8149428505
http://www.centralpahumanesociety.org Email: cphs@altoonarail.net
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We are a volunteer organization in Alturas, California. Our meetings are normally on the third Wednesday of the month at Corner Deli. Our recent Adopt a Pet days have been very successful.
PO Box 1383, Alturas CA US 96101 Ph: 5302339277
http://www.hdo.net/~hphs/ Email: hpus@hdo.net
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Altus Animal Aid is a non-profit 501c (3) animal rescue located in Southwest Oklahoma. We started rescuing in Jan. 2000 from local animal control shelters and owner turn-ins. We started with a small number of foster homes and others we transported to Vernon Humane Society, Operation Kindness, Sooner Golden Retriever Rescue and 3B Rescue just to name a few. We did volunteer work at our local animal control shelter to help provide better living conditions for those housed there for owner reclaim and adoption. We provide food, treats, bedding, walks and most of all LOVE! Animal Aid provides educational information for the community on immunization, spay/neuter and teach area children on pet safety and how to be responsible pet owners. Only with the help of our members, volunteers and you donations can we continue to provide for the unwanted and abandoned animals here in Altus and the Texoma area.
2200 Enterprise Dr., Altus OK US 73521 Ph: 5804770807
http://www.altusanimalaid.org Email: adopt@altusanimalaid.org
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We are a small all breed rescue located rescue located in SW Oklahoma (Altus). We are registered as a Not For Profit with a 501c(3) tax code. Our website, www.swoan.org, is dedicated to helping other people help animals. Although small in size, we network with other groups and shelters. Platitudes and excessive self praise are not our style. Our goal is to make a difference.
2101 Bluebird Ln, Altus OK US 73521 Ph: 5804828945
http://www.swoan.org Email: swoan@swoan.org
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Special Need Animals
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We ar a municipal shelter wishing to find homes for our homelss companion animals
206 N. Baugh St., Alvarado TX US Ph: 8177832045
http://www.alvaradopubliclibrary.org/alvarado_animal_shelter.htm Email: alvaradoac@digitex.net
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Paws Animal Rescue, Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit ALL VOLUNTEER organization. All funds received(donations and adoption fees) are used directly to the benefit of the animals. There are NO paid employees. Our mission is to have all cats and dogs SPAYED OR NEUTERED. PAWS was started in May of 1999 as an exxclusinve shelter/animal control rescue. We consist of less than 12 volunteers who with the direction of our President Chris Krysher have saved over 2200 dogs and cats lives, and helped to prevent the reproduction of more unwanted animals. Some of the animals have been unjured or have medical issues and all of these are treated for the conditions they may have cost them their lives in a shelter. We are a NO KILL organization. This means that once an animal is admitted into our program we provide foster homes for them till they are adopted. UNTIL THERE ARE NONE-ADOPT ONE
PO Box 816, Alvin TX US 77512 Ph: 2813377297
http://www.pawsrescue.org Email: Paws1999tx@hotmail.com
Special Need Animals
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A city run animal shelter.
550 W, Hwy 6, Alvin TX US 77511 Ph: 2813884331
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/TX402.html Email: Alvin_animal_control@hotmail.com
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Gov't run
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We are a new organization that is growing by leaps and bounds. Also, we are a "no kill" organization that is very proud in placing many animals into wonderful loving homes.
13571 CR 282, Alvin TX US 77511 Ph: 2814676300
http://www.brazoriacountyhumane.org Email: lufthatpet@aol.com
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Intermountain Humane Society is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization first organized in 1982. Since that time, IMHS has found new homes for almost 5000 animals in the area of Park and Southwest Jefferson Counties.
67318 Hwy 285, ALVIN CO US 80470 Ph: 3038382668Fax: 3038384419
http://www.imhs.org/default.htm Email: Info@imhs.org
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Vet OnSite
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