PO Box 3946, Dalton GA US 30719 Ph: 7062265002
http://www.hsnwga.org Email: info@hsnwga.org
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Northwest Georgia Dog Friends is helping find homes for some needy dogs and cats.
, Dalton GA US 30721 Ph: 7068472912
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/GA398.html Email: dogfriends@trendata.net
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Our family has been doing informal cat rescue for nearly 30 years. Cats show up on our doorstep, we get them healthy, vaccinated and fixed, then find them permanent homes. In the past, we've always just put an ad in the paper, screened adopters and sent our kittys to their forever homes. My daughter just convinced me that we'd have a larger pool of potential adopters for our older and special needs cats if we had a presence on Petfinder. We've been doing the Petfinder listings for our local Humane Society for the past year or so and have seen how wonderfully it works. We ask that you first check Petfinder listings for cats at our local shelter, Parke-Vermillion County Humane Society, Clinton, IN, or the "kill shelter" near you since none of the cats in our home are in danger of being euthanized due to lack of space. We've only a few cats listed here since many in our current "pride" are sanctuary, lifetime residents here due to special needs. If you have room in your heart, home and budget for special needs cats, please e-mail and we'll send you info on some of our kittys with special medical needs.
, Dana IN US 47847 Ph: 7654924904
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/IN279.html Email: trollkeep_kitty_haven@yahoo.com
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We are a non-profit, no-kill animal welfare group working in the greater Danbury, CT area. We have a large selection of cats, dogs, kittens and sometimes puppies at our shelter in Bethel, Connecticut.
PO Box 971, Danbury CT US 06813 Ph: 2037443297
http://www.daws.org Email: daws@daws.org
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Danbury Canine is a division of the Danbury Police Department
Plumtrees Rd., Danbury CT US 06810 Ph: 2037486456
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/CT93.html Email: L.Davis@ci.danbury.ct.us
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The Madison Oglethorpe Animal Shelter (MOAS) is not a typical shelter. It is not drab, depressing or institutional. It does not smell bad. It's intention is not to control animals, nor is it to shove as many animals as possible into a tiny, dark, stuffy cell. What it is, is a state of the art facility serving residents of Madison and Oglethorpe counties, Georgia. Residents with 2 legs and residents with four legs. Even residents with 3 legs. The main criteria is a fuzzy face, a cold, wet nose and a big heart
1888 Colbert-Danielsville Road, Danielsville GA US 30633 Ph: 7067952868
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/GA204.html Email: moaspets@earthlink.net
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Org # 4557 |
City=Danville | Shelter |
Boyle County Animal Shelter
777 N. Danville Bypass, Danville KY US 40422 Ph: 8592381117
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The Danville-Boyle County Humane Society provides a haven for homeless and unwanted animals and strives to educate both children and adults about the importance of responsible pet ownership. Through humane education, adoptions of homeless animals and encouraging spaying and neutering of pets, we work toward the day when permanent, loving homes are available for all dogs and cats.
PO Box 487, Danville KY US 40423 Ph: 8592381117
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/KY82.html Email: dbchs@bellsouth.net
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We are a shelter dedicated to fostering orphaned kittens and finding permanent homes for orphan kittens and displaced cats. All pets are fostered as family members with free run of the house, interaction with other cats/kittens and dogs, and well socialized in a public office environment. Cats in foster care may have different living conditions. Ask where the cat is fostered at. Once we accept a healthy animal it is kept until a permanent home is found. Any poor behavior is worked on to make the pet more acceptable in your home.
2108 Wells Landing Rd., Danville KY US 40422 Ph: 8599361829
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/KY193.html Email: lhudman@mis.net
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We are a non-profit organization working with the Boyle County's animal control to operate a haven for the homeless dogs and cats. We have a mandatory spay/neuter policy:surgery is included in the $60 adoption fee. We also provide financialassisstance for spay/neuter to those who need it, and we try to educate the public about the importance of pet responsibilty, particularly neutering.
778 North Danville Bypass PO Box 487, Danville KY US 40422 Ph: 8599361571
http://www.homes4pets.org Email: dbch@bellsouth.net
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Pigs |  Reptiles |  Rabbits |  Ferrets |
Special Need Animals
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