PO Box 600073, Dallas TX US 75360 Ph: 4692227764
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/TX840.html Email: admin@newbeginningscatrescue.org
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Paws In The City is the nonprofit, 501 (c) 3 organization committed to ending overpopulation, abuse and neglect of Dallas dogs and cats. We are an all volunteer organization with no paid staff. Paws In The City is committed to the following goals:
Rescuing homeless dogs and cats from the City of Dallas animal shelters by sponsoring off-site adoptions to find these abandoned animals terrific, loving homes often many of these wonderful pets are days away from being euthanized simply because there are not enough homes... a tragedy we are determined to end
Providing medical and foster care to neglected, abused and injured animals through our outreach efforts
Educating the public on responsible pet ownership
Supporting spay and neuter programs ¦the simple, common sense solution to ending the number of unwanted dogs and cats on our streets and in our Dallas city shelters.
PO Box 515966, Dallas TX US 75251 Ph: 2145225112
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Special Need Animals
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Our Mission
To provide proactive assistance to feral cats to ensure they have an opportunity for a safe, healthy existence and be the link to permanent loving homes for the domesticated cats we rescue
13410 Preston Rd.#1237, Dallas TX US 75238 Ph: 9726710492
http://www.feralfriends.org Email: info@feralfriends.org
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We are a small, informal 501(3)(c) pending non-profit rescue group. Although most of our rescues are healthy kitties, we specialize in rescuing cats and kittens deemed unacceptable by animal control facilities and other groups.
These animals may simply be the wrong color - for example, black cats often take longer to rehome - or they may have special needs. They may be FIV positive, have a chronic medical condition like diabetes or stomatitis, have some physical scars acquired before rescue, or recovering from an abusive past.
5814 Ross Ave., Dallas TX US 75206 Ph: 2149122573
http://www.texaspawprints.org Email2: info@texaspawprints.org
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CAN is a 501c3, non-profit, foster based program which currently serves approximately 35 dogs and puppies. WE DO NOT HAVE A SHELTER. All animals in our program receive necessary vaccinations, tests, and spay or neuter before being adopted. One of the advantages of having our dogs in private homes is that we know how they react inside our foster homes, learn their personalities and generally how they interact with other dogs, children and, depending upon the individual home, with cats.
11529 Glen Cross Dr., Dallas TX US 75228 Fax: 9726925461
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/lilhoundhuggers.html Email: cafadoptions@yahoo.com
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East Lake Pet Orphanage is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
We're a team of veterinarians and animal advocates. We all love animals and it is very important to us that each of the orphans in our care has a second chance to find a permanent home. We do our best to ensure that all of our adoptees are healthy and well socialized, so you can concentrate on finding the ideal new addition to your family
10101 E. Northwest Hwy, Dallas TX US 75238 Ph: 214349ELPO
http://www.elpo.org Email: epo@welovepets.net
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Vet OnSite
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Org # 900 |
City=Dallas | FosterHomes |
A non-profit, 501(c)3 animal welfare organization providing financial assistance for spaying/neutering and medical treatment. Mobile adoptions held to place homeless animals in new homes.
PO Box 797972, Dallas TX US 75379 Ph: 9724244860
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Our mission is to responsibly re-home unwanted animals with a precise pre-adoption program after social or health rehabilitation of the companion animal. We also strive to decrease the number of animals being born with our policy of no adoption until spay/neutered. We rescue all breeds dogs, cats from animal control, owner surrenders and feral cats. At this time we do not have a shelter so all our animals are in foster care.
3556 Ridgebriar Drive, Dallas TX US 75234 Ph: 9722473455Fax: 9722418900
http://www.treasuredfriends.org Email: kitt24@prodigy.net
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Org # 5631 |
City=Dallas | Rescue |
Rescue People
190 Lonesome Dove Path, Dallas GA US 30157 Ph: 6788989772
Email: animallover30157@mindspring.com
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The Pet Adoption Program's goal is to bring deserving dogs and cats together with loving, responsible owners while reducing the number of animals which are needlessly destroyed each year due to unavailable homes.
1818 N. Westmoreland, Dallas TX US 75212 Ph: 2146708246
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/TX236.html Email: cwillia@mail.ci.dallas.tx.us
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Special Need Animals
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