Godfrey Rescue was created in 2006 by Glen and Wanda Brink. We are a No-Kill rescue are main goal is to help save the over populated homeless animals in shelters around OH. We rescue all breeds of dogs along with other animals that are in need of being saved from getting euthanized. We also take in owner surrenders along with animals that have been abused or neglected in anyways.
Once we rescue an animal we temperament test them along with making sure they are in good health. All our animals are Health screened and are UTD on their shots and wormed. Most of our animals have been altered before they go to their forever homes. If they haven’t been altered prior to adoption, you HAVE to sign a contract agreeing to do so in a timely manner, which will be stated in the contract. If for whatever reason you do not get the animal altered within the time we will then take proper procedures and regain ownership of the animal.
Once one of our animals has been placed in their forever home we feel that we have accomplished our goal. However if you can not keep the animal for whatever reason you MUST return the animal back to our rescue.
Please keep in mind, that by adopting one of the animals in our rescue you have not only helped that animal get a new home, but you made it possible to make room for the next animal to be saved from being euthanized.
Please spay and neuter your pets. It is the only way we can prevent the mass euthanasia of homeless animals. For every puppy/kitten that is born, it is one less animal that will be adopted from a shelter. Look at our Pet List. Many of the animals listed were abandoned by their owners. When you own an animal, it is a lifetime commitment. Cherish them. No human will ever love you more. Your Fur-Friend will get you through the good and the bad times just by giving back all the love you give them.
22006 Lafayette TR 1064, West Lafayette OH US 43845 Ph: 7405459186
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/OH525.html Email: glendalebrink@yahoo.com Email2: glendalebrink@adelphia.net
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Pigs |  Rabbits |  Ferrets |  Horses |  Primates |  Livestock |
Special Need Animals
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A Second Chance Puppies and Kittens Rescue was established by a group of dedicated volunteers as the result of the need for special rescue. The ALL VOLUNTEER, non-profit animal rescue group is dedicated to saving the lives of unwanted animals while focusing on pregnant dogs/ nursing dogs or cats which otherwise might have ended up being euthanized.
PO Box 222156, West Palm Beach FL US 33322 Ph: 5613331100
http://www.asecondchancerescue.org Email: info@asecondchancerescue.org
 Cats |  Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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We work to place Puppy Mill Survivors in forever homes. These dogs come out of the most horrible situations there are on the planet--mass-breeding facilities! These dogs are usually under-socialized, in poor health and have never known the comforts of a sofa or an easy chair. PUPPY MILLS are nothing more than "doggy concentration camps"!!
, West Portsmouth OH US 45663 Ph: 7408582342
 Cats |  Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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We rescue orphaned kittens, special-case cats, abused, neglected and unwanted cats, and, as space permits, cats on death row from other shelters.
S1695b Stenslien Lane, Westby WI US 54667 Ph: 6086344614
http://www.tabbytownusa.org/about.htm Email: ilovecats@mwt.net
 Cats |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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Animals Depend On People Too, Inc., At A.D.O.P.T. Pet Rescue, we work tirelessly to ensure that no dog or cat is forced to suffer cruelly by wandering the streets, with no home to go to and no one to provide warmth and love. The members of A.D.O.P.T. are dedicated to this effort because each of us knows that....ANIMALS DEPEND ON PEOPLE, TOO!
Po Box 1861, Westerville OH US 43086 Ph: 6144702378
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/OH470.html Email: adopt@adoptpetrescue.org Email2: adoptions@adoptpetrescue.org
 Cats |  Dogs |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
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We RESCUE Cats & Kittens, FOSTER them in our homes & HOLD ADOPTIONS at pet stores. With the help of people like you, we saved the lives and found great homes for 2,565 cats (and counting) in the past 9 years, 4 months.
PO Box 2904, Westfield NJ US 07091 Ph: 9083774579
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/NJ130.html Email: c4pCats@aol.com
 Cats |
Special Need Animals
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Almost Home Adoptions is a non-profit, 501c3, rescue and adoption organization for cats. We are dedicated to helping end the over population of unwanted, displaced cats and kittens by finding loving homes through adoption.
7713 W. 92nd Avenue, Westminster CO US 80021 Ph: 3034322299
http://www.almosthomeadoptions.com Email: almosthomeadoptions@yahoo.com
 Cats |
Special Need Animals
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The White Oak Animal Safe Haven is a NO-KILL animal shelter located in the borough of White Oak across from the White Oak Borough Building. WOASH is governed by a board of directors, which is made up of our Founder, Ina Marton, and other local caring residents and business people.
2295 Lincoln Way, White Oak PA US 15131 Ph: 412672891
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/woanimalshelter.html Email: woanimalshelter@aol.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
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To educate the public on the necessity of spaying and neutering, which will drastically reduce the number of free-roaming cats. To help reduce the vast number of cats that are taken to shelters and killed every day because of lack of space. To promote compassion and empathy toward cats and all animals.
, Whitehall PA US Ph: 6105543825
http://www.felineurbanrescueandrehab.org Email: info@felineurbanrescueandrehab.org
 Cats |
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Red River SPCA is a non-profit organization. Started in 1989, chartered in 1992, RRSPCA is dedicated to helping people and pets enjoy each other and is operated entirely by a handful of volunteers fostering at their residences. We are a no-kill "shelterless." We rescue and rehabilitate, investigate abuse calls, answer LOTS of questions in person and by phone (also email). We help people get their pets sterilized low-cost, offer animals for adoption and speak to groups
1215 Cooke County Road 140, Whitesboro TX US 76273 Ph: 9406686309
http://www2.nortexinfo.net/RRSPCA Email: redriverspca@ntin.net
 Cats |  Dogs |
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