Our Mission is to provide excellent care, protection and loving compassion for the life of the animals entrusted to us and to take a leadership role in promoting humane values for the benefit of all animals and people.
30 North 40th Place, Phoenix AZ US 85034 Ph:(602)273-6852Fax:(602)267-7802
 Cats |  Dogs |
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Arizona Cocker Rescue is a small, all volunteer organization with no paid employees, so all funds go directly to the dogs! Donations are always Greatly Appreciated & Tax Deducible! Each of our volunteers works a full time job and has their own family obligations, while we try to respond to inquiries as soon as possible, some times it may take awhile to get back to you. If you haven't heard back from a volunteer within a couple of days, pls feel free to email us again, because that means we did not receive your email.
We do not have a facility for our rescued dogs, all dogs are fostered with a volunteer foster family until a home is found. Our network of foster homes spans the valley. We are always in need of additional foster homes, if you are interested, send us an email for more info!
We take in dogs that are in shelters throughout the Southwest and are in need of rescue. We are members of the Southern California Cocker Coalition and work closely with other cocker spaniel rescues in California. We are able to coordinate transportation to/from California as needed.
We do not adopt out of the state of az as there are about 5 volunteers at AZCR and its hard to find someone to do a home check.
Po Box 50295, Phoenix AZ US 85076 Ph:(480)540-7178
http://www.azcockerrescue.org Email: stephanie_azcockerrescue@yahoo.com Email2: azcockererscue@aol.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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Friends for Life Animal Sanctuary is a no kill non-profit animal shelter that is dedicated to the homeless and stray animals living on the streets and in the deserts in and surrounding Gilbert Arizona.
143 W. Vaughn Avenue, Gilbert AZ US 85233 Ph:(480)497-8296
http://www.azfriends.org Email: info@azfriends.org Email2: webmaster@azfriends.org
 Cats |  Dogs |
Special Need Animals
$Donate to this Organization here$

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AZ-MCCR/SAFE is a newly-organized, breed-specific cat rescue group, offering years of experience with Maine Coon and Maine Coon Mix cats.
As an arm of SAFE (Saving Animals From Euthanasia), we are dedicated to the elimination of this horrific practice. We focus on rescuing and saving these most precious of felines and placing them in loving homes.
9123 North 115th Place, Scottsdale AZ US 85259 Ph:(480)391-2640
http://www.azmccr.org Email: mainecooncatlover@cox.net Email2: afallertsprint@earthlink.net
 Cats |
Specific-Breed ONLY
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We take in dogs that are in shelters throughout the Southwest and are in need of rescue
Po Box 50295, Phoenix AZ US 85076
http://azcockerrescue.com Email: AZCOCKERRESCUE@AOL.COM
 Cats |  Dogs |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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AJ’s Best Friends Rescue is an all-volunteer registered 501(c)3 non-profit companion animal rescue organization working in the East Valley suburbs of Phoenix, AZ (Arizona). Our primary focus is on rescuing Purebred cats and small Purebred or mixed breed dogs destined to be euthanized in the area shelters or in other dangerous, life-threatening situations
Pmb 401 835 W. Warner Rd., Suite 101, Gilbert AZ US 85233
http://AJsbestfriends.org Email: ajbfcats@yahoo.com Email2: admin@ajsbestfriends.org
 Cats |  Dogs |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
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BARK (Baby Animal Rescue Koalition)
Provide foster home care and adoption services primarily for pregnant and nursing mothers and young animals. *Promote education and provide low cost spay/neuter subsidy to the public to prevent the birth of so many unwanted pets.
PO Box 35804, Tucson AZ US 85740 Ph:(520)825-6719
 Cats |  Dogs |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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a very small kitten rescue and adoption organization.
PO Box 85028, Tucson AZ US 85754 Ph:(520)225-8873
http://beebrescue.org. Email: beebrescue@cox.net
 Cats |
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Benji's Buddies Animal Rescue
Benji's Buddies is a non-profit (501c3) organization dedicated to the rescue and placement of pets into permanent, loving homes
Po Box 33063, Phoenix AZ US 85067 Ph:(602)622-0907
 Cats |  Dogs |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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The Benson Animal Shelter is a division of the Benson Police Department and is operated by the City of Benson. Our facility is dedicated to finding homes for the animals left abandoned, surrendered and lost within the City Limits. We maintain our shelter with the caring efforts and donations from our community along with the City of Benson. Our volunteers work daily with all our animals to increase socialization and training skills.
104 Harvest Way, Benson AZ US 85602 Ph:(520)586-3600
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/AZ238.html Email: ptbandit@cox.net
 Cats |  Dogs |
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