Happy Endings provides a safe haven for feral, stray, abused, neglected and or critically injured animals. We nurse those who are sick back to health and provide a home for all animals until they are ready to be adopted. No animal is ever euthanized by Happy Endings for convenience sake, but, only when, in a veterinarian's professional opinion is in a state of terminal suffering. All of our adult animals are spayed and/or neutered before they are adopted. We currently adopt out an average of 30 animals per month.
5349 Forest Home Avenue, Milwaukee WI US 53220 Ph:(414)744-3287
http://www.happyendings.us Email: happyend@execpc.com
 Cats |
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For Cat's Sake! Rescue is an all volunteer, non-profit, no-kill organization dedicated to rescuing homeless and abandoned cats and kittens. We do not have a physical shelter, but rather a network of caring, qualified foster homes. We provide our cats with veterinary care, spays and neuters, loving foster homes and finally adopt them into permanent homes. To date we have rescued over 1,200 cats and kittens.
Our mission further includes initiatives that help educate the public about pet over-population, spaying and neutering, the disadvantages of declawing kittens and cats, how to live a long and healthy life with your feline friend, and dealing with behavioral and other issues.
PO Box 210361, Greenfield WI US 53221 Ph:(414)256-1350
http://www.forcatssake.org Email: fcsrescue@yahoo.com
 Cats |
Specific-Breed ONLY
Special Need Animals
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Dedicated to rescuing homeless and abandoned cats and kittens. Our mission further includes initiatives that help educate the public about pet over-population, spaying and neutering, the disadvantages of declawing kittens and cats, how to live a long and healthy life with your feline friend, and dealing with behavioral and other issues.
PO Box 270583, West Allis WI US 53227 Ph:(414)256-1350
http://www.forcatssake.org Email: fcsrescue@yahoo.com
 Cats |
Special Need Animals
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We believe cats and kittens belong in homes, not in alleys, parks, or dumpsters. And we believe we can make a difference, we already have!! Cats whose futures weren't very bright, until we rolled up our sleeves and decided to help, are now in happy forever homes.
1588 South 81st Street, Milwaukee WI US 53234 Ph:(414)297-9674
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/WI177.html Email: catassociation@yahoo.com
 Cats |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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Silver Lining Pet Rescue is dedicated to matching loving homes to homeless pets.
Pmb 32 3900 Erie Street, Suite A, Racine WI US 53402
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/WI270.html Email: orangeleturt@gmail.com
 Cats |
Special Need Animals
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Org # 543 |
Zip=53403 | Shelter | Animal Control |
Countryside Humane Society is a non-profit organization that provides animal control, adoption and other community services for Racine County residents, and cares for approximately 5,000 lost, abandoned, and surrendered animals each year. Serving all eighteen municipalities in Racine County.
2706 Chicory Rd, Racine WI US 53403 Ph:(262)554-6699Fax:(262)554-8640
 Cats |  Dogs |
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H.O.P.E. Safehouse, Inc.
(Help for Orphaned Pets through Education)
is a non-profit, all volunteer animal care organization, a ‘safehouse’ dedicated to the care and re-socialization of lost, injured, neglected, and abandoned pets. Through education and example, we extend the qualities of safety, shelter and compassion to all animals under our care, in our homes, on the streets and in the wild.
1911 Taylor Avenue, Racine WI US 53403 Ph:(262)634-4571Fax:(262)898-1596
http://www.hopesafehouse.org Email: hopesafehouse@core.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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Who We Are Critter Adoption Maintenance Program We are a NOT-FOR-PROFIT animal rescue. We are in the process of getting our 501C3 We are a small group of people that found a need in our area for a program to rehome small animals. We re-home everything from Dogs and Cats to mice and Reptiles. We strive to re-home for life and stay in contact with our adoptive parents. We provide education and assistance throughout the pets life. Most of our animals come to us directly from the owners whom for many reasons can not take care of the pet any longer. Reasons ranging from lost of interest to divorce and sometimes even the owners death. We ask for all supplies. Such as cages, dishes, water bottles, food, the pets toys, anything we can use to make the transition as comfortable as possible for the animal and the foster home. We use our own homes and also many responsible foster homes to house all of the animals in our program. Only a few animals at a time are accepted into CAMP. That keeps our hands on training and care quality at its best.
2711-16th Street, Racine WI US 53405 Ph:(262)939-1619
http://members.petfinder.org/~WI169/index.html Email: momgerber2001@excite.com
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We are a small group of people that found a need in our area for a program to rehome small animals. We re-home everything from Dogs and Cats to Mice and Reptiles. We strive to re-home for life and provide education and assistance throughout the pets life, therefore we stay in contact with our adoptive parents.
2711 16th Street, Racine WI US 53405 Ph:(262)770-2496
http://members.petfinder.org/~WI169/index.html Email: momgerber2001@excite.com
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Reptiles |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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In 1998 a group of concerned citizens in Iowa County got together to solve the stray and abandoned animal problem. The group had no money just an idea and had one thing in in common, the total love and devotion to animals.
From that very first meeting the Iowa County Humane Society (ICHS) was formed. Over the last two years the society has developed bylaws, incorporated, built a community awareness program and moved into a new (hopefully) permanent facility.
3207 Bennett Road, Dodgeville WI US 53533 Ph:(608)935-1381Fax:(608)935-2884
http://www.ichs.net Email: ichs@mhtc.net
 Cats |  Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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