We are a private, not-for-profit animal rescue and placement organization. Our main focus is re-homing chinchillas, guinea pigs, and rabbits. We will also help rescue and place dogs, cats, and other furry critters as our resources allow. In addition to rescue and re-homing, we offer community outreach programs for youth groups, schools, etc. We can tailor any presentation to the students' age and size of the group. Public education regarding the need to spay and neuter pets and the humane treatment of animals is one of our top priorities.
, Holt MI US 48842
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/MI507.html Email: manyfurrypaws@yahoo.com
 Cats |  Dogs |  Rabbits |  Rodents |
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Peace Plantation Animal Shelter
RR 3 Box 84, Walton NY US 13856 Ph:(607)865-5759Fax:(607)865-6334
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Peaceable Kingdom is a nonprofit organization, supported by volunteers and concerned citizens of the Lehigh Valley, who believe that all living creatures have value in and of themselves and, as such, are deserving of an acceptable quality of life. Our mission is as follows: (1) To provide care, protection, and assistance to animals who are mistreated, injured, abandoned, or otherwise in need. (2) To minimize animal overpopulation through low-cost neutering and spaying clinics. (3) To create community awareness and gain support of animal needs through educational efforts.
1049 MacArthur Road, Whitehall PA US 18052 Ph:(610)440-0657
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/PA47.html Email: ljones@ot.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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Peaceable Kingdom is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization supported by business and community partners and concerned citizens in the Lehigh Valley. We provide care and shelter to animals that are lost, injured or abandoned. We offer no-kill solutions to the growing crisis of dog and cat overpopulation. Whether it's rescuing animals stranded by natural disaster, holding all-night adoption marathons or educating the public on animal welfare, Peaceable Kingdom is always in the forefront.
1049 Macarthur Road, Whitehall PA US 18052 Ph:(610)439-0382
http://www.peaceablekingdom.info/adoptions.html Email: pklvshelter@yahoo.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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Peaceful Kingdom is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization working to end animal overpopulation in Knox County
PO Box 16230, Knoxville TN US 37996 Ph:(865)579-5164
http://www.peacefulkingdom.org Email: help@peacefulkingdom.org
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PKA is a small, private, family owned, non-profit, rescue ran out of kind, well educated, volunteers homes. All the animals in PKA's care are treated with only the best medical attention, nutrition, shelter, training, and love.
Our mission here at Peaceful Kingdom Adoptions is to rescue animals in need, train them to be ultimate pets in every way while maintaining them at top health, and to re-home them into their perfect forever loving homes. If we have no room for an animal we will still try and find their forever loving home until it is found. Each and every animals life is important to us no matter who the animal is or where it is. We will do everything we can to save every single animal in need.
, Henderson NV US
http://pkadoptions.tk Email: PeacefulKingdomAdoptions@gmail.com
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Pigs |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |  Horses |  Livestock |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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We are an all volunteer, non-profit 501c3 which was founded in February, 2001. The Peaceful Kingdom Alliance 4 Animals is dedicated to help stop animal abuse and suffering through public education and national awareness. We believe that all animals, as our fellow living creatures, deserve our respect and appreciation and that it is our duty to do our utmost to protect them from harm. It is our sincere desire to do our part, and encourage others as well, to help stop the pet overpopulation problem through spaying and neutering, NOT euthanasia. Our mission is to help homeless and abandoned animals, and those that have been abused, mistreated, or injured, to find shelter, medical help and, at long last, the wonderful new forever homes that they each so richly deserve!
PO Box 82434, Bakersfield CA US 93380 Ph:(661)331-3273Fax:(661)393-2281
http://thepeacefulkingdom.com Email: AnnieMals@thepeacefulkingdom.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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We do have many large breed dogs in our Rescue - dogs that have been with us and are used to being in a fenced-in yard. Because of this fact we do require fenced in areas for the dogs that we adopt out. Our dogs are used to being able to run and play without fear of wandering into the road or into areas they shouldn't go. Please don't be put off by this requirement - it's what's best for the animal as well as the new owner.
PO Box 602, Lawrence MI US 49064
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/MI397.html Email: pparescue@yahoo.com
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We are a local Lost and Found Pets website. Please visit our site for lost and found pets!
On occasion, PEANUT'S FRIENDS encounters a person in need of finding a home for a pet. The pet stays at the person's home until its forever home is found.
, Albany GA US 31707
http://www.peanutsfriends.org Email: lostandfound@peanutsfriends.org
 Cats |  Dogs |
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Pearl River County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is a Mississippi state non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the welfare and humane treatment of animals throughout the county. It operates solely from funds provided locally
1700 Palestine Road, Picayune MS US 39466 Ph:(601)798-8000
http://prcspca.org Email: prcospca@yahoo.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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