PO Box 708, Pembroke GA US 31321 Ph:(912)653-3816
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/GA396.html Email: gamorgan@g-net.net
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Org # 11713 |
Animal Control |
Bryant Animal Control & Adoption Center
Bryant Animal Control is a government agency that is responsible for the enforcement of local and state laws regarding companion animals. In doing so, we must occasionally impound or accept unwanted animals. This animals are held for a minimum amount of time per local ordinance and then made available for adoption
25700 Interstate 30, Bryant AR US 72022 Ph:(501)653-0765
Email: bryantpet@sbcglobal.net
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Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Gov't run
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Org # 142 |
Shelter | Animal Control |
Buchanan County Animal Control
PO Drawer 950, Grundy VA US 24614 Ph:(276)935-6580
 Cats |  Dogs |
Gov't run
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We are a Saint Bernard Rescue and Sanctuary. Our dogs are owner surrenders, strays, from shelters and puppy mill survivors.
We provide a safe haven for these dogs to make a transition from their past lives to their future forever homes. The dogs are taught socialization skills, crate training, potty training and how to become a member of a family.
All dogs are vetted, spayed/neutered and up to date on vaccinations.
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/buckeyebigdogs.html Email: info@buckeyebigdogs.com
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Buckingham County Animal Shelter
PO Box 252, Buckingham VA US 23921 Ph:(804)969-4242
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Gov't run
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The Bucks County SPCA is an independent, non-profit organization, incorporated in 1912 by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. It is not a branch of any other organization and it is not supported by tax dollars. Its purpose is to enforce the anti-cruelty laws of the State, to educate, and to employ all available means to prevent and alleviate the suffering of animals within the County of Bucks. The Bucks County SPCA is dedicated to the welfare of all animals and is supported solely by donations.
PO Box 277 Street Road, Lahaska PA US 18931 Ph:(215)794-7425Fax:(215)794-2750
http://www.bcspca.org Email: bucspca@voicenet.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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The Bucks County SPCA is an independent, non-profit organization, incorporated in 1912 by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. It is not a branch of any other organization and it is not supported by tax dollars. Its purpose is to enforce the anti-cruelty laws of the State, to educate, and to employ all available means to prevent and alleviate the suffering of animals within the County of Bucks. The Bucks County SPCA is dedicated to the welfare of all animals and is supported solely by donations.
1665 Street Road, Lahaska PA US Ph:(215)794-7425
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Founded in 1961, "Buddy Dog", as it is affectionately known is a not for profit animal welfare organization dedicated to finding new homes for homeless dogs and cats. The Society is incorporated with one main objective, "giving a new lease on life to impounded dogs and cats".
Buddy Dog accepts homeless dogs and cats, in good health and of friendly disposition, which could, without our help, be destroyed. These animals find refuge at our shelter and can depend on becoming someone's forever friend. There is no time limit on their stay.
151 Boston Post Road Rt. 20, Sudbury MA US 01776 Ph:(978)443-6990Fax:(978)443-4046
http://www.buddydoghs.com Email: info@buddydoghs.com
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The Buddy Foundation of Arlington Heights, Illinois was established by the concerned and caring animal lovers from Chicago’s Northwest Suburbs, based on the necessity for a quality no-kill animal shelter. We are strictly an all volunteer organization with all funding - from adoption fees to our many fundraisers - benefiting the animals in our care. The Buddy Foundation is dedicated to finding good, loving, responsible homes for the dogs/puppies and cats/kittens that we foster. Our goal is to help them become cherished family members and receive the attention and gentle kindness they so deserve. Most of our animals were found strayed or abandoned in the Northwest Suburbs of Chicago. We are a small shelter with limited resources. Thus, we do not like to take in unwanted pets. Instead, we encourage pet owners to be committed to their pets by providing them with a safe & secure home for their lifetime.
PO Box 334, Arlington Heights IL US 60006 Ph:(847)813-7206
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/IL109.html Email: jlbasgall@ameritech.net
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Special Need Animals
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volunteer group made up of professionals and business people. OUR MISSION: To save companion animals from local animal shelters, and to find them responsible, loving guardians. To work with other rescue groups and shelters on Long Island in their efforts to save the lives of companion animals. To promote humane education focusing on the importance of spaying and neutering companion animals, the link between violence against animals and violence against human beings, and the benefits of adopting versus purchasing companion animals.
, Smithtown NY US
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/NY490.html Email: companionpets@optonline.net
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