Tallahassee Big Dog Rescue exists to save the lives of dogs of all sizes (and even some cats!). Founded in 1998, our mission is to place dogs in permanent adoptive homes where they will receive the love and care that they deserve for the balance of their lives. An integral part of our mission is to emphasize the importance of spaying and neutering all pets; none of our animals is released to an adopter until it has been sterilized.
PO Box 15571, Tallahassee FL US 32317 Ph:(850)562-3200
http://www.bigdogrescue.com/index.html Email: info@bigdogrescue.com
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ECAH Animals, Inc. is a Florida-based non-profit corporation made up of people who care about saving and finding good homes for cats and dogs in our community.
The corporation was formed in late 2005, but the members have been working together and helping pets in our community for a number of years.
We focus on saving animals from euthanasia, caring (feeding, housing, and providing good veterinary care) for animals until we can find a home for each, helping people with training or behavior for the best possible relationship with one’s pet, and educating people about the importance of spay/neuter and responsible pet ownership.
P O Box 10250, Tallahassee FL US 32302 Ph:(850)668-1004
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ECAH Animals, Inc was formed to support the Tallahassee-Leon County Animal Service Center and surrounding shelters by taking in animals placed at their facilities who have not been adopted within the prescribed time limitations, and who are facing euthanasia. At this time ECAH Animals is working with these shelters by fostering and adopting out animals released by them into ECAH Animal's custody.
PO Box 10250, Tallahassee CT US 32302 Ph:(850)668-1004
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Homeward Hound Animal Rescue
Homeward Hound Animal Rescue, Inc. is a not-for-profit, 501(c)3 animal adoption resource team operating in the Florida Panhandle. The majority of animals in our program come from open-admission animal shelters.
PO Box 180428, Tallahassee FL US 32318 Ph:(850)766-4814
Email: homewardhound@fastmail.fm
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Northwood Animal Hospital Good Sam Program
We are a full service veterinary hospital that is committed to helping as many sick and injured animals as we can through our Good Samaritans program. All the animals we adopt out are up to date on their vaccines, have negative fecal exams, are dewormed and are flea-free. Our adoption fees are between $45 and $65 depending on the age and species. We require that all pets we adopt out be spayed or neutered prior to adoption if they are old enough or that a deposit be left to ensure they will be spayed/neutered at the appropriate age. We get a lot of kittens coming through our doors and we don't always have time to list them individually so feel free to call us and check on who's up for adoption.
1881 Martin Luther King Blvd., Tallahassee ME US 32303 Ph:(850)385-8181
Email: tallydvm@yahoo.com
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To help save the lives of feral cats (the wild offspring of abandoned or stray cats) in Leon County, we are humanely trapping cats, and having them altered (neutered or spayed), vaccinated, and micro-chipped. When they are ready to return to their colony, we make sure that there is a caretaker to feed them. A caretaker is a loving individual committed to feeding and watching over a colony of feral cats. This is called a TVARM (trap, vaccinate, alter, release, and maintain) program. In some cases, we will also work to tame kittens and adult cats.
We are also involved in rescuing feral cats taken to shelters to be euthanized (given a lethal injection). We make sure these cats get the same veterinary attention as other feral cats we trap, and then add them to a colony
PO Box 37422, Tallahassee FL US 32315 Ph:(850)224-1954
http://www.friendsofgypsy.org Email: Janet@friendsofgypsy.org
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Seminole Animal Health Clinic
We are a completely operational animal hospital for cats and dogs. Our practicing DVM is Julie Moodoyan and we have recently enacted our adoption program to become active in the community and provide service to pets in desperate need of a home. This program is non-profit and all fees charged are placed inorder to cover basic medical costs including medications, supplies, etc. If you would be interested in further information reguarding our program or hospital in general, feel free to contact us.
, Tallahassee pick state US 32311 Ph:(850)942-6650
Email: mrz02@fsu.edu
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Angels That Purr is a Tallahassee, Florida, non-profit organization that rescues, provides medical care and treatment to, and places into loving homes domestic and feral cats.
Box 231 1700 North Monroe Street, Suit, Tallahassee FL US 32309 Ph:(850)893-0301
http://www.angelsthatpurr.org Email: susan@angelsthatpurr.org
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The Animal Shelter Trust Fund (ASTF) is a non-profit account established to support the operations of the Tallahassee-Leon Community Animal Service Center. Contributions to the ASTF may be used in the following ways:
Resource for animal care and animal control equipment and supplies
Enhancement of the TLCASC's grounds and landscaping, and ongoing maintenance
Repair, renovation, and improvements to the Animal Service Center facility
Provision for unforeseen expenses, and
Total enrichment of the animal environment
1125 Easterwood Drive, Tallahassee FL US 32311 Ph:(850)891-2950
http://www.ci.tallahassee.fl.us/dncs/asc/wishlist.cfm Email: www.talgov.com/email.cfm
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Vet OnSite
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We are a NON-PROFIT rescue group. Most all animals here have been pulled from Death-Row only because their time was up. Their forever homes are out there somewhere and they deserve the chance to be found no matter how long it may take. Would we Put to Death children in foster homes and orphanages at 5 years of age because their forever family had not come along. Certianly Not. It is no different with these sweet babies.
239 Meadow St., Tallapoosa GA US 30176 Ph:(678)463-9131
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/GA370.html Email2: g_c_r_s@bellsouth.net
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Special Need Animals
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