Heartland Humane Society of Missouri is a 501(c)3 non-profit group of dedicated foster homes, founded in May 1998 by a few caring people, for the sole purpose of giving abandoned, abused and unwanted animals another chance for a loving permanent home. Heartland Humane Society of Missouri is funded by adoption fees, donations, fundraising events and tributes. All donations are tax deductible.
, OFallon MO US Ph:(636)922-0569
http://heartlandhumanemo.homestead.com Email: animalchef@prodigy.net
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All Paws Rescue, Inc." was founded in 2003, as an all volunteer, non-profit, foster home, animal rescue organization. We are an IRS certified charity, licensed by the state of Missouri. Although we are presently based in St. Charles County, our scope of operation extends into neighboring counties.
PO BOX 1274, OFallon MO US 63366 Ph:(636)288-2999
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/MO199.html Email: weezmags@charter.net
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Org # 5 |
City=Ogden | Shelter |
The Tiffancy Adoption Center has an excellent selection of companion pets. Our adoption fees are all-inclusive of the required rabies vaccination, veterinary examination, spay/neuter surgery, and licensing within Ogden City.
1490 Park Blvd, Ogden UT US 84401 Ph:(801)629-8244
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Gov't run
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The mission of the Venango County Humane Society is to prevent cruelty to animals and to promote public animal care education and awareness. The Venango County Humane Society was incorporated as a private, non-profit organization in 1956. Our shelter was built in 1971 on Deep Hollow Road in Oil City, PA.
PO Box 1045, Oil City PA US 16301 Ph:(814)677-4040
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/PA275.html Email: vencohs@yahoo.com
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The Humane Society of Ventura County has been in operation since 1932. It has many specialized programs offered free to all in Ventura County. The Humane Society of Ventura County, at 402 Bryant St. in Ojai, is open for adoptions Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. During Daylight Savings Time, from April 6 through Oct. 26, the Shelter is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays, from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturdays and the front office is closed Sundays.Our Thrift Store is located at 540 East Main Street, Ventura. Hours of operation are Monday thru Sunday, 10:00am to 5:00pm.
402 Bryant St., Ojai CA US 93023 Ph:(805)646-6505
http://humanesocietyvc.org Email: animals@humanesocietyvc.org
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Org # 10997 |
City=Okanogan | FosterHomes |
Animal Foster Care Shelter
We only house cats. They stay with us until an acceptable home can be found for them. We spay or neuter all cats before they are adopted. We also educate the public on care and welfare of animals.
4 Spring Coulee Road, Okanogan WA US 98840 Ph:(509)422-3364
Email: gray@nvinet.com
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Best Friends works with small rescue groups, foster homes and veterinary clinics to find homes for pets in their care. Best Friends also operates SNAP, its Spay/Neuter Assistance Program, to make spaying and neutering affordable to more pet owners in the Oklahoma City metro area.
PO Box 415, Oklahoma City OK US 73101 Ph:(405)629-6795
http://www.bestfriendsokc.org Email: info@bestfriendsokc.org
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Special Need Animals
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The Animal Welfare Division is responsible for public safety and animal care and protection. We partner with rescue groups, foster homes, volunteers and no-kill shelters to minimize unnecessary euthanasia and to promote the humane ethic. Our goal is to be "no kill" for placeable animals by 2010.
2811 SE 29th Street, Oklahoma City OK US 73129 Ph:(405)297-3100
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/OK37.html Email: christy.counts@okc.gov
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Special Need Animals
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Org # 707 |
City=Olathe | Animal Control |
Olathe Animal Control
505 E. Sunvale, Olathe KS US 66061 Ph:(913)393-6362
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Old Bridge Animal Shelter is a non-profit, township operated kennel located in the Municipal Complex in Old Bridge, NJ. The shelter is operated as a non-kill kennel, rather than as a pound since no adoptable animal is ever put to sleep
, Old Bridge NJ US Ph:(732)721-5600
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