101 W. McCune Avenue, FRUITA CO US 81521 Ph:(970)858-3008
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/CO49.html Email: star_tammy25@hotmail.com
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Org # 559 |
City=Fruitland | Shelter |
We are a non-profit 501(c)3 organization and we receive all our funds from private donations. Our shelter is staffed almost 100% by volunteers. Our formidable goal is to have no more homeless animals in our community. Since 2nd Chance's humble beginnings in 2001, we have found homes for over 1,250 dogs and cats, puppies and kittens. We have spayed or neutered over 1,000 animals, preventing the birth of over 10,000 unwanted animals
1708 N. Whitley Dr. (Highway 95), Fruitland ID US 83619 Ph:(208)452-7387
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/ID09.html Email: candobarb@msn.com
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Harvest Hills Animal Shelter is a non-profit organization which contracts with seventeen towns in Western Maine to accepted neglected , stray and abandoned cats and dogs. These animals are brought in by the towns’ animal control officers. When space is available, Harvest Hills also accepts owner surrendered animals from all surrounding communities in Maine and New Hampshire and will assist other shelters by providing a safe place for adopt able animals that would otherwise be euthanised, or did not fit another shelters admission policies.
1389 Bridgton Road, Fryeburg ME US 04027 Ph:(207)935-4358
http://www.harvesthills.org Email: hhas@pivot.net
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WISHBONE ANIMAL RESCUE, Inc. is a no-kill, non-profit organization striving to make a difference in the pet overpopulation problem existing in our community and preventing the unnecessary destruction of cats and dogs due to this problem. We work every day to put an end to the neglect, abuse and abandonment of so many unwanted animals. We are dedicated to taking homeless animals off the streets and finding permanent homes where they'll be treasured members of the family. Our purpose is the rescue, rehabilitation and placement of these animals having all necessary testing, vaccinations and medical care.
PO Box 51097, Ft Myers FL US 33994 Ph:(239)340-1379
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/FL413.html Email: wishboneanimalrescue@yahoo.com
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We are a non-profit oraganization located in DeKalb County. We receive aniamls from the general public and Animal Control. We adopt our animals to lifetime, loving homes. We conduct crulety/neglect investagations, educate the public on animal welfare and the importance of spay/neuter. At this time we are in need of monatary donations for cross fecing at our property that shelters livestock and dog houses.
550 18th Street Sw Po Box 680653, Ft Payne AL US 35967 Ph:(256)845-9463
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Ft Wainwright Stray Animal Facility
The Stray Animal Facility is part of the Veterinary Treatment Facility on Fort Wainwright. If you have lost your pet on post, please be sure to check with us and the Fairbanks North Star Borough Animal Shelter.
3597 Oak Street, Ft Wainwright AK US 99703 Ph:(907)353-2982
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Vet OnSite
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Org # 11733 |
City=Ft Worth | Shelter | FosterHomes | Rescue |
A small rescue organization located in Ft Worth Texas. Offering both cats and dogs for adoption to their furever homes.
Pob 162591, Ft Worth TX US 76161
http://www.findingfurever.bravehost.com Email: findingfurever@gmail.com
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Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
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Pets In Distress is an all volunteer run "no-kill" rescue group which takes in and places for adoption unwanted pets.
We do not have a shelter but operate as a foster network. This means that we rely solely on volunteers to provide foster homes for our pets until they are permanently placed in adoptive homes.
P.O.BOX 550876, Ft. Lauderdale FL US 33355 Ph:(954)472-8667
http://www.members.aol.com/petdistrs/ Email: Petdistrs@aol.com
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Animal People, Inc. is a non-profit animal rescue organization which was established in 1998. We rescue over 350 animals each year! We are committed to helping any animal in need. Through generous donations and fundraising, we welcome animals who would have little opportunity for survival either in the county shelter, humane society, or out on the streets. Animal People, Inc. not only helps animals in need, but is also committed to educating people about responsible pet ownership, proper pet selection, and what is necessary to be a good pet owner. We believe that all animals deserve a chance to enjoy a happy and love-filled life, free of abuse, suffering, and starvation. We are always sincerely grateful for any type of support or additional assistance which might help us change the lives of our rescued friends.
PO Box 679, Ft. McCoy FL US 32134 Ph:(352)546-2781
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/FL357.html Email: animalpeopleinc@aol.com
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Special Need Animals
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Kenton County Animal Care & Control is the primary sheltering and enforcement agency for Kenton County, Kentucky. Our goal is to provide services that safeguard the public health and safety, to humanely house and care for the animals in it's charge, to protect the animals of the community from abuse and neglect and to provide it's citizens with information concerning responsible ownership. This web site is designed to help us serve the citizens and animals of our community.
1020 Mary Laidley Dr., Ft. Mitchell KY US 41017 Ph:(859)356-7400
http://www.kentoncounty.org/animalshelter.html Email: dan.evans@kentoncounty.org
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