A Non-Profit, Revenue Canada Registered Charitable Organization.
{Corporation No. 213180 and Charitable Registration No. 87608 6422 RR0001
Box 29052 c/o 1846 Victoria Ave, Regina SK CA S4T 7X Ph: 3065917297
http://nonprofits.accesscomm.ca/preciouspaws/ Email: preciouspaws@sasktel.net
 Cats |
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The Pride Rescue depends on animal lovers in the community to open their homes and hearts to our pets by providing them with foster care until they can be adopted into a Forever Home. Without the help of people, just like YOU, many of our wonderful and loving companions wouldnt have a chance to meet their forever families
, Hamilton ON CA L8G 2G Ph: 9058182509
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/thepriderescue.html Email: Htlybrg@aol.com
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The Prince Albert SPCA is a non-profit organization that operates on fund-raising alone - we are not government funded. A huge volume of cats and dogs pass through our doors, and many are unable to find homes. As with many rescue shelters, we are trying to find homes for as many of them as possible!
670 10th Street E PO Box 1832, Prince Albert SK CA S6V 2W Ph: 3067636110Fax: 3067636110
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/SK05.html Email: newhoperescue@hotmail.com
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Org # 10184 |
Animal Control |
Prince Edward Canine Control
276 Potter Road, Demorestville pick state CA K0K 1W Ph: 6134767666
Email: smcmurter@pecounty.on.ca
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We are the Prince Rupert SPCA. We look after animals from Prince Rupert and the surrounding villages. We try very hard to control the unwanted pet population in this area by spaying and neutering all the animals that are adopted from our shelter.
1740 Prince Ruper Blvd, Prince Rupert BC CA V8J 4R Ph: 2506242859
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/BC71.html Email: prspca@citytel.net
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Project Jessie is a rescue network for lost, stray and abandoned cats and dogs in pounds where they are vulnerable to being sold for research. We also take older animals, medically needy animals, and animals that need socialization or have other challenges. We work in cooperation with many groups and dedicated volunteers to rescue the animals, get them appropriate veterinary care, shelter them and then find them permanent, loving homes
221 Broadview Avenue, Suite 10, Toronto ON CA M4M 2G Ph: 5199404712Fax: 4164629647
http://www.projectjessie.ca/ Email: contact@animalalliance.ca
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Protecting Animals Welfare Shelter (PAWS)
c/o Brenda Vader, RR #3, Bancroft ON CA K0L 1C Ph: 6133322755
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Quagga Kitten Kaboodle and Stray Cat Rescue
690 Elizabeth 4 - 353 Provencher Blvd., Box, Winnipeg MB CA R3C 2J Ph: 2042371958
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The Queen Charlotte Islands Branch of the BC SPCA is staffed entirely with volunteers. We do not have a shelter location and all of the animals available for adoption are housed at foster homes.
Serving the Following Communities:
Tlell, Queen Charlotte City, Masset,
Port Clements, Sandspit, Skidegate and Old Massett.
Box 417, Queen Charlotte City BC CA V0T 1S Ph: 2505598439
http://www.spca.bc.ca/queencharlottes/ Email: puppy@qcislands.net
 Cats |  Dogs |  Rabbits |  Rodents |
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Serving the Following Communities:
Quesnel, Wells, Barkerville, Nazko and McLeese Lake
1000 Carson Pit Road PO Box 4185, Quesnel BC CA V2J 6J Ph: 2509927722
http://www.spca.bc.ca/quesnel/ Email: quesnelspca@uniserve.com
 Cats |  Dogs |  Rabbits |  Rodents |
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