At present, companion birds are the third preferred pet in the USA. We find loving, adoptive homes for unwanted or rescued companion birds with people who are experienced in bird care or are eager to learn. We believe that all pet birds deserve quality care, love, and respect and that bird owners should have access to the most current bird care information possible. Knapptime Adoption Rescue and Education (KARE) is a Rescue and a Temporary Sanctuary Facility for exotic birds. We provide birds a stable,loving home for the duration of their stay at KARE.
We do not sell or breed birds. We offer birds for adoption in accordance with the KARE adoption policy located at URL
We are FEMA certified to work with Animals In Disasters, are proud members of the ASPCA, work with many other animal rescues, we have several workstudy programs for Detroit iner-city schools, we maintain an emergency response vehicle as well.
13778 Mckinley Ave, Warren MI US 48089 Ph: 5864985871Fax: 5864985871 Email:
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Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
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