Zooh Corner Rabbit Rescue was founded in 1993 by Alexandra Logsdon who was joined by her husband, Patrick, in 1996. We are a local, non profit, no-kill rabbit welfare organization based in San Gabriel, California. Our mission is threefold: to rescue, treat, spay/neuter and place as house pets, rabbits that have been abused, neglected, injured or dumped; to educate the public on rabbit health care and needs; to stop the irresponsible breeding and selling of rabbits.
PO Box 2192, San Gabriel CA US 91776 Ph: 6265762864
http://www.mybunny.org Email: zoohcorner@mybunny.org Email2: susan@mybunny.org
 Birds |  Rabbits |
Specific-Breed ONLY
Special Need Animals
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The San Diego Humane Society and SPCA has been serving San Diego County since 1880, providing vital services to animals and people alike through sheltering and adopting animals, providing positive reinforcement behavior training for adoptable animals and for owned animals through public training classes, investigating animal cruelty and neglect, providing adult and youth education programs, sharing animals through pet-assisted therapy and rescuing animals in emergency situations.
A private nonprofit organization that receives no public or government funding, the San Diego Humane Society and SPCA is supported solely by contributions, grants, bequests, investments, proceeds from the Humane Society’s retail store, Muttique, and some fees for service.
5500 Gaines Street, San Diego CA US 92110 Ph: 6192997012
http://www.sdhumane.org Email: info@sdhumane.org
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Pigs |  Reptiles |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Horses |  Livestock |
Special Need Animals
Vet OnSite
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Reptile Rapsody Reptile Rescue is a private nonprofit association We accept sick, injured and/or abandoned reptiles, arachnids and birds. We then rehab them and find permanant loving homes, that are well educated in the specific needs of the reptile/exotic they adopt.
19510 Van Buren Blvd.,F-3/232, Riverside CA US 92508 Ph: 9516562113Fax: 9516562113
http://www.reptilerescueca.org Email: reptilerescueca@yahoo.com Email2: reptilerescueca@verizon.net
 Birds |  Reptiles |
Special Need Animals
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Animal Control Center
6443 Oak Canyon, Irvine CA US 92618 Ph: 9497247740Fax: 9497247749
http://www.cityofirvine.org/depts/cs/animalcare/default.asp Email: info@irvineshelter.org
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Pigs |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Livestock |
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The Lily Sanctuary was founded in 2003 to honor Lily, a cockatoo, on her 13th birthday. Lily was diagnosed with the avian version of AIDS when she was little and told many times she should be put down. She beat those odds and became the miracle girl. This inspired the creation of The Lily Sanctuary to provide care and help to birds in need.
PO Box 9294, Fountain Valley CA US 92728 Ph: 7145313141Fax: 7145313189
http://www.LILYSANCTUARY.org Email: VHill@lilysanctuary.org
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The Orange County Animal Care Center houses and provides medical care for impounded dogs, cats and exotic animals. Adoption services are also available.
561 The City Drive South, Orange CA US 92868 Ph: 7149356943Fax: 7149356373
http://www.ocpetinfo.com Email: publicinfo@hca.co.orange.ca.us
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Pigs |  Reptiles |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |
Special Need Animals
Vet OnSite

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The Animal Services Division of the Sheriff’s Department works diligently to serve the public and animals of San Luis Obispo County in a professional and efficient manner with kindness and compassion. The staff is dedicated to providing education, protection, and the humane treatment of animals in order to insure a safe and healthy community and to promote the benefits of responsible pet ownership.
885 Oklahoma Avenue PO Box 3760, San Luis Obispo CA US 93403 Ph: 8057814400

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Feathered Friends Bird House Is a Parrot Rescue near Fresno, CA. We are dedicated to caring for abandoned, abused, and unwanted birds from Budgies to Macaws. We have experienced volunteers to handle and rehab if necessary. Wild and tame birds alike are welcome.
, Fresno CA US 93727
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/CA756.html Email: featheredfriendsbirdhouse@yahoo.com
 Birds |
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Org # 6477 |
Zip=93908 | Shelter |
Elephants of Africa Rescue Society is dedicated to supporting projects aimed at securing a safe habitat for wild, African animals and dedicated to providing a sanctuary for their captive cousins with a special focus on elephants.
C/O Vision Quest Ranch 400 River Rd, Salinas CA US 93908 Ph: 8314553180Fax: 8314551902
http://www.elephantears.org Email: ears@elephantears.org
 Birds |  Primates |
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We are first and foremost an avian adoption service. . We exist solely to help unwanted or found parrots and through educational classes and seminars we hope to dispel many of the myths and misconceptions that are prevalent today. We are also a parrot "rescue" in that we will do everything legally possible to remove a parrot from a harmful situation but in all honesty this is something that only happens very occasionally. Mostly we are here to help people who can no longer keep their bird for one reason or another.
PO Box 66223, Los Angeles CA US 94223
http://parrotsfirst.org Email: info@parrotsfirst.org Email2: rose@parrotsfirst.org
 Birds |
Specific-Breed ONLY
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