Animal Rescues
Animal Rescues
If your cat, dog, rabbit, or any other animal has given birth, and you don't know what to do with the litter or if you have found any abandoned, orphaned or hurt animals, please call or email me:
Animal Rescues
(248)-909-1825 or (248)-375-5919
You Can Check Out My Website For More Information.
These animals will be given a good home.
No animal deserves to be put to sleep. They need to be loved and taken care of. We try hard to find good caring homes. If you do decide to give us a call, we will be happy to come pick them up for you, and find suitable homes.
Thank You, Animal Rescues
3042 Baypoint, Rochester Hills MI US 48309
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Pigs |  Reptiles |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |  Horses |  Primates |  Livestock |
Special Need Animals
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Org # 11263 |
City=Rochester Hills | Shelter | Rescue |
About Us
Animal Rescues
If your cat, dog, rabbit, or any other animal has given birth,
and you don’t know what to do with the litter or if you have found any abandoned, orphaned or hurt animals, please call or email me:
Animal Rescues
(248)-909-1825 or (248)-375-5919
You Can Check Out My Website For More Information.
These animals will be given a good home.
No animal deserves to be put to sleep. They need to be loved and taken care of. We try hard to find good caring homes. If you do decide to give us a call, we will be happy to come pick them up for you, and find suitable homes.
Thank You, Animal Rescues
My Name Is Brooke, And I Started This Group Call Animal Rescues. Animal Rescues Consists Of 5 Members.
Our Purpose:
To help Animals out of Danger or Abandoned. Animals Are Not to Be Treated with Disrespect, or Abused in Any Way, And That’s Our Job As The Animal Rescues To Prevent That. Sometimes We Even Take Them Into Nursing Homes For The Elders. These Little Animals Put Smiles On All Their Faces. In Our World Today More And More Animals Are Getting Hurt, Abandoned, Abused, Or Even Killed. Most Of This Is Caused By Animal Testing. 50,000 Animals Are Being Tested All Over The World To Test New Products Every Day. That’s Why It Is Important To Take Care Of Our Animals And Not To Let Them Get Into The Wrong Hands.
You Can Help To By Calling Us.
About Me
My Name Is Brooke Bieglecki. I’m 16 Years Old. I Go To Rochester Adams High School. I’m A Very Productive And Hard Worker, Especially When It Comes To Animals. I Love Spending Time With Animals. I Have About 26 Pets Which Consists Of, 19 Fish, 3 Rabbits, 1 Turtle, 1 Newt, 1 Tree Frog, And 1 Dog. I Love My Animals Very Much. They Are The Very Things I Look Forward To Seeing Each Day. My Business Has Been Running For About 2 Years Now, And Has Been Very Productive. I Am Proud To Say, This Is The Best Experience For Me Yet. If You Would Like To Find Out More About Me, You Can Check Out My Website At
What Else Do We Do?
Other Tasks Include:
• Pet Sitting
• Dog Walking
• Animal Daycare
Price Per Hour/Day:
-Pet Sitting: $5.00 (Per Hour)
- Dog Walking: $2.00 (Per Hour)
-Animal Daycare: $15.00 (Per Day)
3042 Baypoint, Rochester Hills MI US 4830 Ph:(248)909-1825 Email: Email2:
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Pigs |  Reptiles |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |  Horses |  Primates |  Livestock |
Special Need Animals
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A safe for life facility. We spay/neuter all pets before they go to their new home. Educate people on why we should spay/neuter pets and how pets should be cared for.
Po Box 10626 3081 Cedarvale Rd, Rock Hill SC US 29732 Ph:(803)981-5087 Email:
Special Need Animals
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Over the years of taking in, adopting out and rescuing parrots, Foster Parrots has seen nearly one thousand individuals, each with their own story and character
PO Box 650, Rockland MA US 02370 Ph:(781)878-3733 Email:
 Birds |
Specific-Breed ONLY
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The Montgomery County Humane Society (MCHS) in Rockville, Maryland, is a non-profit animal welfare organization that has provided animal sheltering services for Montgomery County for over 40 years.We shelter over 10,500 animals and service the animal-related needs of approximately 100,000 people yearly. Many of the services provided are mandated by grant contract and others are mandated by care and concern for the animals in our care.
14645 Rothgeb Drive, Rockville MD US 20850 Ph:(240)773-5960Fax:(301)279-1998 Email:
Gov't run
Special Need Animals
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Org # 11454 |
City=Rocky Mount | Rescue |
Sabrina's House is a true rescue and not an adoption shelter. We take the very sick and badly injured animals and rehabilitate them. We do rabbits as well as most small "exotic" mammals, birds and wildlife. "Special needs" animals always take priority for admission to our facility.
Po Box 7751, Rocky Mount NC US 27804 Ph:(910)297-7271 Email: Email2:
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
Vet OnSite
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All breed rescue referral.
PO Box 107, Roscoe IL US 61073
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Reptiles |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |  Horses |  Livestock |
Special Need Animals
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The City of Boston Animal Shelter is run by the City of Boston Animal Control Department. Most of our animals are found as stray animals and some are surrendered to us by their owners for various reasons.
We do the best we can to help our "unwanted" pets find new homes.
26 Mahler Road, Roslindale MA US 02131 Ph:(617)635-1800Fax:(617)635-1915
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Rabbits |  Ferrets |
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Org # 321 |
City=Ruther Glen | Advocacy | FosterHomes |
Samantha's AllPaws Home is an internet based resource to help animals find loving homes. All of the animals listed for Samantha's AllPaws Home are located in Virginia. Some are in shelters and have limited time, others are posted for desperate owners, while others animals remain in foster care with independant rescuers. All animals for adoption are in good health unless otherwise stated. Samantha's AllPaws Home is not affiliated with many of the animals listed.
Concord Rd, Ruther Glen VA US 22553 Email:
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Pigs |  Reptiles |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |  Horses |  Primates |  Livestock |
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Org # 6477 |
City=Salinas | Shelter |
Elephants of Africa Rescue Society is dedicated to supporting projects aimed at securing a safe habitat for wild, African animals and dedicated to providing a sanctuary for their captive cousins with a special focus on elephants.
C/O Vision Quest Ranch 400 River Rd, Salinas CA US 93908 Ph:(831)455-3180Fax:(831)455-1902 Email:
 Birds |  Primates |
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